Monday, April 25, 2011

in a classroom; in a tent.

Last class we had a screening under a tent. Yes, a tent...a tent in a classroom. Utilizing the equipment room, our bed sheets, and Barrett's vision, we made a large tent. At first I thought it was kind of hilarious and ridiculous, but it was a lot of fun. It really fit well with our readings on the "rough" theater. Together, under the tent, we screened our past few film assignments as a class. It was a really fun way to view our films, and watching them projected on a sheet gave them a very interesting texture.
I was pretty nervous to screen my 24 hour video race film, because I like having time to formulate an idea, and with this project I didn't have time to do that. I just picked an idea and had to follow through with it. I am happy with the way my film turned out, but I hope the quirkiness make up for the nerdyness of it.
I was really surprised at how different everyones films came out. This assignment really gave everyone different boundaries depending on what they had to work with, and what skills that had acquired over their years here. Some people did maya animation, others animation with a scanner, others videos with their webcams. It was a very interesting and refreshing mix of films and I really enjoyed watching them in our makeshift theater.

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